Message sent from:

Hazel Class - Years 3 & 4


Mrs Snelling

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Bones

Picture 1


PE will be on Tuesdays and  Wednesdays and the children will need to come into school on those days in their PE kit. If possible, please try to clean the kit between these days as the children are very active during their PE lessons.  

This term the children will be learning Netball and Gymnastics with Mr Papper and the Class Team

Sports Clubs will be confirmed later in the term, and we will update the website once these have been confirmed.


Homework will be confirmed in Week One and an information sheet will be sent home.

Spellings for the week will be introduced every Monday and will be checked the following Monday morning so the children need to practise their spellings at home so that they are prepared. Any spellings they have not quite mastered will be highlighted so they know which they still need to practise. A copy of the spelling overview is available on the homework tab.

We expect the children to be reading at least 5 times a week. If your child is a free-reader, this can be done independently or with an adult, but will need to be recorded in homework diaries with the date, book title and a short summary of what has been read.  Children who are reading colour level books will still need to read daily with an adult at home. 


  • Please ensure your child has a named water bottle in school every day.
  • Please send children to school wearing outerwear that is appropriate for the weather as we will always endeavour to be outside for playtime. 
  • Please make sure that hair below shoulder length is tied back using discrete hairbands in school colours. 
  • The children are not required to bring in any stationery from home as we will be providing all equipment that they may need. 
  • Fidget toys of any kind are not allowed unless given direct permission from Mrs Snelling or Mrs Beach - please leave these at home. Children who are permitted to bring in fidget toys may bring in 1 small item that they must use appropriately.  This is to reduce distractions and disagreements within the classroom and on the playground. 
  • Please discourage children from bringing in anything that is not required. Our cloakroom is relatively small and with your help we can keep it tidy and ensure items do not become lost.
Picture 2

A note from Mrs Snelling

If you have any questions at all then please do not hesitate to ask - or better yet, encourage your children to ask for you. As the children are now in Hazel we are trying to make them more independent and to provide them with the ability to problem solve and enquire for themselves.

However if you would like to speak to me directly then please e-mail the office on frantoffice@thewealdfederation.org to arrange an appointment.

Looking forward to a successful year - and thank you for your support.

Mrs Snelling

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