Whilst the National Curriculum is undoubtedly important, it is only the starting point for our curriculum at Mark Cross. We have thought carefully about how we can make the most of our natural environment and how best to introduce quality texts and topics to reflect the values of our school community whilst ensuring all statutory elements of the National Curriculum are taught. In addition, we have thought about which topics and themes we feel would most benefit our pupils, weaving these together to form curriculum threads both within and between year groups. We provide lots of opportunities to revisit key knowledge and skills, ensuring that prior learning is built upon and further developed.
At Mark Cross CEA Primary School, we believe that our curriculum is broad, balanced, relevant and inspirational, designed to develop a love of learning which will last a lifetime. Our committed and experienced team of teachers and support staff nuture, challenge and encourage all of our pupils, enabling them to achieve highly and be prepared for the next stage of their academic journey.
If you have any questions about the curriculum we offer, please browse the subject specific curriculum areas of this website by clicking on the links below, visit the class pages or contact our Head of School, Mrs Scales.